CURTIS, William. Flora Londinensis;
or, plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London; with their places of growth and times of flowering; their several names according to Linnaeus and other authors: with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English. To which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural oeconomy, and other arts.



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BOTANIK – CURTIS, William.  Flora Londinensis; or, plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London; with their places of growth and times of flowering; their several names according to Linnaeus and other authors: with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English. To which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural oeconomy, and other arts. London, printed for the author, 1777-1798. 2 Bde. Fol. Mit gestochener Titelvignette und 435 Kupferstichen auf 432 Tafeln. Halbleder im Stil der Zeit mit reicher Rückenvergoldung und Rückentitel.

Erste Ausgabe. – Nissen BBI 439; Stafleu & Cowan 1286; Sitwell p. 54; De Belder 86. – „A splendid work…(Sitwell). – Die schönen, sehr detaillierten Kupferstiche von Darton, Sowerby, Kilburn, Swan etc. nach Vorlagen von Sydenham Edwards, Kilburn and Sowerby. – Enthält die Register zu den Teilen 1-3 und 5-6. – Das vorliegende Werk wird auf Grund seines umfassenden Materials auch als erste farbig illustrierte Flora Englands bezeichnet. – Es fehlen 6 Textblätter (Ligustrum vulgare; Melissa nepeta; Stachys arvensis; Spergula arvensis; Agrimonia empatoria; Bidens tripartita). Ohne das Gesamtregister. – Titel zu Bd. 2 an den Rändern verstärkt, wenige Tafeln leicht knickfaltig, in der 1. Lieferung Tafel 53 etwas knapp beschnitten. In Bd. 1 ein handschriftliches alphabetisches Register zusätzlich. – Insgesamt sehr gutes, fast fleckenfreies Exempla mit allen Tafeln. // 2 vols. With engraved title-vignette and 435 engravings on 432 plates. Half calf in contemporary style, spine richly gilted. First edition. Nissen BBI 439; Stafleu & Cowan 1286; Sitwell p. 54; De Belder 86. „A splendid work…(Sitwell). The beautiful, very detailed engravings of Darton, Sowerby, Kilburn, Swan etc. after Sydenham, Edwards, Kilburn and Sowerby. Contains register for parts 1-3 and 5-6. The available work is referred to as the first coloured flora of England because of its extensive material. Contains all plates, but 6 text leaves (Ligustrum vulgare; Melissa nepeta; Stachys arvensis; Spergula arvensis; Agrimonia eupatoria; Bidens tripartite) are missing. Without general index. Title of volume 2 has strengthened margins, some plates have slight creases, in first delivery table 53 is scarcely trimmed. In volume 1 can be found an additional handwritten register in alphabetical order. Altogether a very fine copy, nearly without spots.

Naturwissenschaften, Biologie, Botanik, England